Monday, February 28, 2011

Kelsey Grace Vickers: Future DMV Employee

Apparently when Brian and I weren't paying attention Kelsey went out, took driver's ed and got her driver's license...well that's what she would like us to believe!  This afternoon I heard "Slow down!  Slow down Mommy!  You're going way too fast!" and might I add that I was NOT going too fast, I believe I was only going 5 over and everyone knows that is an acceptable speed!  What can I say, the minivan really has some get up and go!!  Most of this time I hear an angry voice from the backseat grumbling "Ugh, go Mommy!!" or "Hurry up!"  She was getting upset when we were stopped at red lights, wanting us to get moving, so we taught her that red lights mean stop and green lights mean go.  This has helped a little bit, but when she really wants to get somewhere she just finds a green light and, even though it's not our green light, gets mad that we're not moving.  I have no idea where she might have gotten those backseat driving skills...nope, none at all...  So I guess she's found her calling and will be working at the magical place that is the DMV.

And now on to the super exciting news, for me at least!  I got a new camera!! 

Isn't it beautiful??
 I've been wanting a camera like this for years but held back because I told myself I didn't take that many pictures, or it was too much money, or I just didn't really need it.  I was so tired of my dumb camera missing out on all these great moments because the pictures were out of focus or it was taking too long to take the actual picture!  So I finally bugged nagged complained whined sweetly asked Brian enough that he agreed we should get one too!  And I'm in love!  I've only taken a handful of pictures so far but they are already tons better than that other thing I was calling a camera!  Unfortunately my model couldn't tear herself away from the TV to give me a smile or anything so I didn't really have much to work with, but she's still a cutie!!

Yeah yeah, just take the picture!

Ok, I'll turn to face you, but I won't stop watching!

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