Monday, February 21, 2011

Brady's first modeling gig!

My very talented friend Kristin Geerts of Kristin Geerts Photography asked to borrow Brady to model some super cute hats that a friend of hers made.  In exchange for Brady's modeling we would be given copies of the pictures, of course I was all over that!  Brady was wonderful, he's not a big fan of being on his tummy, but, ever the professional model, he did great job and Kristin was able to get some wonderful shots!

I think this one might be my favorite!

While having his picture taken, Brady decided to show off for the ladies and rolled over for the first time!  Once he figured out he could roll he did it several more times, so exciting!

After a quick trip to the grocery store it was off to the sitter's house to get Kelsey.  For the last week or so Brian and I have been hard at work cleaning out the basement getting it ready to be waterproofed.  So the seats in the van, with the exception of Brady's seat, were all folded down to make room for all the junk treasures we had collected throughout the years to be taken to Goodwill.  I've seen the seats folded and unfolded several times but have never actually done it myself, but how hard could it be right??  Well it ended up being a little more difficult!  You have to kind of fold up the floor, hold the folded floor up, while also unfolding and lifting the seat out of the floor all at the same time, and the seat's not light!!  So while struggling to do that Kelsey is alternating between telling me I'm doing a great job and questioning why it's taking me so long.  My keys are also beeping because they're in my pocket and I keep bumping them, so I take my keys out and toss them up on the driver's seat.  And finally...SUCCESS I actually got it!  Now all I have to do is get the carseat in, buckle Kelsey in and we're all set!  I run around to the driver's side (did I mention it's also pretty cold out and raining?) only to realize that I have just locked my babies and my keys in the car!  While my keys were in my pocket I must have bumped the lock button!!!  Ugh, now what?? 

911 it is!  Let the dispatcher know that I had kids and keys locked in the car.  After about a 25 minute wait (25 minutes, SERIOUSLY???  I've got kids locked in the car!!) out savior showed took him about 20 seconds to unlock the door, I don't think Kelsey has ever been happier to see me, she was getting a little tired of looking at me through the window!  And we were finally out of there...for the whole car ride home Kelsey talked about how she loved the nice man that unlocked the doors.

Kelsey has been really fighting taking naps lately...ever since she stopped taking a binkie to bed, it hasn't been nearly as easy as it used to be!  So of course today she told me about 40 times that she wasn't tired and that Brady and I might be tired but that she did NOT need to take a nap.  Not wanting a fight after the whole key incident I just let it go and suggested she just rest on my bed while watching a does this look like the face of a girl who doesn't need a nap??

I didn't think so either!

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