Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A puppet show and a new 'do!

Kelsey believes that her role as big sister is to be Entertainment Director for Brady.  She is always letting me know that Brady wants to go in his swing or his jumperoo.  She's having a really hard time with the fact that I haven't opened a lot of his toys from Christmas since he is so little and can't really play with them yet.  I bet at least once a day she is bringing something out of his closet telling me "I think Brady wants to play with this!"  Yesterday I decided to drag Kelsey's exersaucer up from the basement for Brady, he got a jumperoo for Christmas so he's just been playing with that.  I don't even want to tell you how gross it was!!  There were spiderwebs all over the bottom, I even brought a spider up in it (YIKES, Brian wasnt home so I had to kill it myself!) and probably about an inch of dust on it.  So after about 30 minutes of cleaning it (Kelsey could hardly STAND the wait) we put him in it, and he seemed to like it...for a few minutes!  Unfortunately after he waited all that time for the exersaucer to be clean (Mommy and his Entertainment Director were ignoring him, the nerve of some people!!) he wasn't in the best mood and Kelsey was quick to inform me that we needed to figure out something else for him to do.  Later that night we tried again when he was in a better mood and he LOVED it!  Kelsey decided all the toys weren't enough and she needed to give him a puppet show too!  What a good big sis!

Yeah, this is ok, I guess...

Tiana from Princess and the Frog is her new favorite toy

Now a dragon puppet show!
And now for the exciting news...Kelsey got her hair cut!  I had been thinking about what her hair would look like if it was shorter for a while now, she's got those crazy curls so I wasn't sure, but we decided to go for it!  Brian got his hair cut about a week or two ago and Kelsey's been talking about going to "the cutting store" to have her hair cut ever since!  Every time Kelsey has gotten her hair cut in the past it's been at Cookie Cutter's which is a salon for kids where the chairs are cars and they have little tvs where the kids can watch their favorite shows.  But the stylists there aren't that impressive so I decided to take her to my friend Shannon who does my hair and does an amazing job if I do say so myself! :)  She cut off about 5 inches and it looks so cute, she sat nicely like such a big girl too!  Shannon straightened it but I think it will look just as cute when it's got the curls in it too!

She loves it!
  Just had to share a sweet deal I got when I went to a kid's resale store the other's a swimsuit that has a life jacket in it, I think Kelsey will be able to swim easily in it.  It's in excellent condition and, just for fun, I looked up what the cost of a brand new one is.  A new one retails for $38.99 and I paid $5.50!  Awesome!!

Strike a pose!

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