Friday, February 25, 2011

Dancing Queen

Kelsey is in LOVE with going to dance class!  It doesn't matter what she's doing on Thursday afternoons, if I tell her she has to take a nap so she can go to dance class I usually don't get too many arguments.  She has class every Thursday night from 5:15 to 5:45, her teacher is Miss Lizette.  Lizette is Dale's (Kelsey's sitter) daughter and she is wonderful!  She is so great with the girls and has SO much patience!  I think there are about 5-6 girls in her class, Kelsey is the only 3 year old, the other girls are all 4 (I tell myself that's the reason she's not exactly the best listener!).  She has ballet slippers and tap shoes for class, and of course her favorite classes are the ones where they wear the tap shoes!  It's so fun to watch their classes and also a bit embarrassing to see her lack of listening skills!  She's definitely not the only one who doesn't pay attention, I think they all get distracted watching themselves in the wall of mirrors!  The class is now working on their recital dance routine so the curtains are over the two-way mirrors that we could watch through so their routine is gong to be a surprise!  I also got to see a picture of her recital dress and it is SO CUTE!  Can't wait!  I snapped a couple pictures last night of Kelsey and some of her friends waiting for their class to start and watching the big girls do their dance.

Wow, what are they doing??

Hey they're good!

Mom!  Do NOT embarrass me right now!!

And of course we've got to have some pictures of Brady!  He is definitely diggin' his excersaucer lately!

I make this look good!

No photos please!

Just kidding, you can take my picture!

I'm a big boy!

The kids are spending the night at Grandma Moe Moe and Papa's house tonight and this is what I'll be working on while they're gone (I can't believe I took a picture of this!)

This would be Kelsey's room.  Since our house is so small we have no playroom so all of her toys need to go in her room.  I did however buy her a few toy organizers (which by the looks of this picture are completely empty!) and showed her how to put her toys in them when she's done playing.  Yesterday I noticed that a LOT of her toys had made their way out of her room into our bedroom, the living room, kitchen and even Brady's room.  So I told her that if she picked up all her toys and put them in her room she could have cookies (mother of the year bribing her kid with junk).  Of course she was all over that!  After what seemed like a pretty short time she told me she was done...I looked around and didn't see any of her toys and she happily accepted her cookies.  A little while later I walked by her room and this is what I found.  I guess I should be happy her toys are at least all in her room...  

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