Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our first trip to the library!

Lately Kelsey has been talking nonstop about the library, she pretends to go to the library, takes books to the library, puts books away at the only took me about two weeks to figure out that (DUH!) I should take her to the library!  I told her yesterday that we were going today and that's all she could talk about all last night and all day today "Mommy I love the library!"  "But you've never been there, how do you know if you love it?"  "I just love it!"  We discussed library etiquette and she took it all very seriously telling Brian later "Daddy you have to be quiet in the library cuz people are tryin to learn!"  The library was definitely a hit, she's been carrying around her books all night and can't wait to go back!

Are you listening Brady?

Do you like Curious George?

So serious!

This must be her thinking pose

Of course the t.v. junkie only wanted to read books featuring characters from her favorite shows and wouldn't look twice at any books I suggested!  Oh well, I tried!!

Brady loves sucking his thumb when he gets sleepy, because of the thumb sucking he tends to always keep his head turned in the same direction while sleeping so he's becoming quite the Flatty McFlathead (yes that is the technical term) on his right side.  He is not a fan of being on his tummy but I keep telling him he'll thank me when he has a lovely round perfect head!  Brady's doctor was quick to inform me that no one's head is perfectly shaped or symmetrical but what does she know right??  Usually he holds his head up well for about 10 minutes and then lays face down, trying to shove all his fingers in his mouth while Mommy and Kelsey call his name and shake toys to try to get him to lift his head again...poor Brady! 

Seriously?  This is supposed to be fun?!?!

And...I'm done!!

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