Monday, March 7, 2011


We all know the things that come out of toddler's mouths are hilarious and Kelsey is definitely no exception!  Most of the time I have no idea where she comes up with the things she says!  She calles Brian's belt his seatbelt "Daddy, you forgot to put your seatbelt on your pants!"  I overheard a conversation she was having with her Grinch stuffed animal the other day after putting him down for a pretend nap and just had to laugh.  It started out with her stomping back into her room and saying "UGH!!!  THE GRINCH!!! (for whatever reason she never calls him Grinch, it's always the Grinch)  WHY DID YOU POOP IN MY BED?!?!?!  There's poop EVERYWHERE now you have to go to timeout and my dad will be so sad that you pooped in my bed!"  I must say, I get her frustration, I mean I heard her take him to the potty SEVERAL times before she laid him down for his nap.  She must have been having "war flashbacks" from when she was being potty trained...I might have mentioned once or twice that her Daddy was going to be sad when he heard about her potty accidents, but I was desperate!  She never seemed to care if I was sad that she had an accident!

And while we're on the subject of that fun task of potty training, can I just say...thank goodness we are officially potty trained!  Once it clicked for her she's been amazing with it!  The only drawback now is that she is constantly running around with no pants on!  When I see this, our conversations sound a little something like this:  "Kelsey, why are your pants off?"  "Ummm...because...I...want to be...ummm..." and then she just turns around and walks away.  But oh well, it's not like her walking around without pants is hurting anything, but if you notice some of my pictures of her look a bit weird it might be because I'm trying to hide the fact that she has no pants on!

By far, the cutest thing she does lately is read her favorite book "My Lucky Day!"  Brian and I've probably read her this book probably twice a day for about 3 or 4 months, it got to be where if we would skip a word she would notice and yell at us!  A few weeks ago she wanted me to read it to her, I was doing laundry so I told her it would have to wait...the next thing I know she's reading the entire book out loud to Brady, apparently Brian and I weren't the only ones who had the book memorized!  She now reads it to anyone who will listen and it is too funny, she gets almost every word right and she traces her finger along the page like she's actually reading the words, SO CUTE!

Are you listening doggie?

This must be my lucky day!
For the record, she's wearing a nightgown in this picture so I didn't have to hide her not wearing pants...except maybe I should've hid the fact that, by the light in the picture, it looks like it might be a little too late for her to still be in her jammies!! 

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