Thursday, March 24, 2011

Loco legs

Well it's been a pretty boring week for us, nothing too exciting going on.  In the last week we've had our basement waterproofed and our front stairs mud jacked (where they raise them up so they are level aka where they are supposed to be!).  We used a company called Todd's Mud jacking and Basement Services and I would definitely recommend them to anyone!  They worked with us on price, the workers were all very courteous and professional, and they left everything a LOT cleaner than they found it! But all that aside, if you heard that loud sobbing a few days ago, it was me when we wrote the check to the company...even though they do great work, it still stinks to pay all that money for something you can't even see!  But it's worth it to no longer have a wet, smelly basement and the "death stairs" are now a little easier to climb!  Plus that brings us one step closer to finishing the basement and eventually moving into a new house!

We are busy preparing for out road trip on Sunday to the action-packed exciting city of Branson, Missouri.  I kid, I kid...while it might not be the most exciting place ever, it will be nice to get away and spend some time with the family (ask me if I still feel the same way next Friday!).  Brian isn't able to come with us because he has work he can't get out of (that's his story and he's sticking to it!) so I will be the one doing all the driving...YIKES!  We will be driving down with my mom and my Aunt Connie, hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here, but the kids are pretty good on long car rides so hopefully everything goes smoothly.  This will be our first road trip since Kelsey's been potty trained, so hopefully we won't be stopping every half hour for potty breaks, although I'm sure my mom is relieved she can now use Kelsey as an excuse to stop!  The drive is supposed to take 8 hours so we'll see how long it actually takes us!  Once down in Branson we will be meeting up with my Aunt Sara, Uncle Bill and their 3 kids, my Uncle Paul and Aunt Kirsten, and my grandparents.  While down there my grandpa will be celebrating his 80th birthday, so we'll be partyin!  Well as much as you can party with a 5 month old and a 3 year old!!

We've been working lately on letting Kelsey dress herself, it's so much easier and faster for us to do it for her, but obviously she needs to learn how to do it herself!  I still haven't let her pick out her outfits, I'm not sure if I can be one of those moms who lets their kid leaving the house looking all crazy because they dressed themselves!  Although the few times she has picked something out, she really doesn't do too bad...sometimes I think she does a better job than Brian!!  Here's what happened when she put her jammies on the other night...sadly she didn't even notice that anything was wrong with her pants for longer than I would care to admit, she only noticed once she started walking!  She thought it was the funniest thing ever and wouldn't fix them for the longest time and kept trying to walk around.  She kept saying she had "loco legs" (which is a song from one of her shows she watches).

What do you mean my pants aren't on right?

I've got loco legs!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our first trip to the library!

Lately Kelsey has been talking nonstop about the library, she pretends to go to the library, takes books to the library, puts books away at the only took me about two weeks to figure out that (DUH!) I should take her to the library!  I told her yesterday that we were going today and that's all she could talk about all last night and all day today "Mommy I love the library!"  "But you've never been there, how do you know if you love it?"  "I just love it!"  We discussed library etiquette and she took it all very seriously telling Brian later "Daddy you have to be quiet in the library cuz people are tryin to learn!"  The library was definitely a hit, she's been carrying around her books all night and can't wait to go back!

Are you listening Brady?

Do you like Curious George?

So serious!

This must be her thinking pose

Of course the t.v. junkie only wanted to read books featuring characters from her favorite shows and wouldn't look twice at any books I suggested!  Oh well, I tried!!

Brady loves sucking his thumb when he gets sleepy, because of the thumb sucking he tends to always keep his head turned in the same direction while sleeping so he's becoming quite the Flatty McFlathead (yes that is the technical term) on his right side.  He is not a fan of being on his tummy but I keep telling him he'll thank me when he has a lovely round perfect head!  Brady's doctor was quick to inform me that no one's head is perfectly shaped or symmetrical but what does she know right??  Usually he holds his head up well for about 10 minutes and then lays face down, trying to shove all his fingers in his mouth while Mommy and Kelsey call his name and shake toys to try to get him to lift his head again...poor Brady! 

Seriously?  This is supposed to be fun?!?!

And...I'm done!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


We all know the things that come out of toddler's mouths are hilarious and Kelsey is definitely no exception!  Most of the time I have no idea where she comes up with the things she says!  She calles Brian's belt his seatbelt "Daddy, you forgot to put your seatbelt on your pants!"  I overheard a conversation she was having with her Grinch stuffed animal the other day after putting him down for a pretend nap and just had to laugh.  It started out with her stomping back into her room and saying "UGH!!!  THE GRINCH!!! (for whatever reason she never calls him Grinch, it's always the Grinch)  WHY DID YOU POOP IN MY BED?!?!?!  There's poop EVERYWHERE now you have to go to timeout and my dad will be so sad that you pooped in my bed!"  I must say, I get her frustration, I mean I heard her take him to the potty SEVERAL times before she laid him down for his nap.  She must have been having "war flashbacks" from when she was being potty trained...I might have mentioned once or twice that her Daddy was going to be sad when he heard about her potty accidents, but I was desperate!  She never seemed to care if I was sad that she had an accident!

And while we're on the subject of that fun task of potty training, can I just say...thank goodness we are officially potty trained!  Once it clicked for her she's been amazing with it!  The only drawback now is that she is constantly running around with no pants on!  When I see this, our conversations sound a little something like this:  "Kelsey, why are your pants off?"  "Ummm...because...I...want to be...ummm..." and then she just turns around and walks away.  But oh well, it's not like her walking around without pants is hurting anything, but if you notice some of my pictures of her look a bit weird it might be because I'm trying to hide the fact that she has no pants on!

By far, the cutest thing she does lately is read her favorite book "My Lucky Day!"  Brian and I've probably read her this book probably twice a day for about 3 or 4 months, it got to be where if we would skip a word she would notice and yell at us!  A few weeks ago she wanted me to read it to her, I was doing laundry so I told her it would have to wait...the next thing I know she's reading the entire book out loud to Brady, apparently Brian and I weren't the only ones who had the book memorized!  She now reads it to anyone who will listen and it is too funny, she gets almost every word right and she traces her finger along the page like she's actually reading the words, SO CUTE!

Are you listening doggie?

This must be my lucky day!
For the record, she's wearing a nightgown in this picture so I didn't have to hide her not wearing pants...except maybe I should've hid the fact that, by the light in the picture, it looks like it might be a little too late for her to still be in her jammies!! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brady Boy is 5 months!

My baby is five months old already!  He's definitely growing out of that tiny baby phase and, in my opinion, is a lot more fun!  He's always smiling and his smiles light up his whole face.  Much to Kelsey's delight Brady has started talking to her...she finds this to be the funniest thing she's ever heard and laughs and tells me "Brady is so much funny Mommy!"  Brady definitely likes the sounds of his voice (hmmmm, that doesn't sound like anyone I know...) and lately he's been trying to find out how loud he can be...he's got nothing on Kelsey but he's working on it!  He was a willing participant (kind of) for a quick photo shoot yesterday in his favorite place...on his changing table with no clothes on!

5 months baby!

Oh I get it...yeah that's funny...


Oh, I get it now!!  That IS funny!

Heeyyyyy ladies!


Do we make some darn cute babies or what???