Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zoo it to it!

Our family received a wonderful Christmas gift from Grandma Vickers this year.  She gave us memberships to the Family Museum, Niabi Zoo, Putnam Museum, and the IMAX.  We put the Family Museum membership to use a lot during the spring, I would pick up Kelsey's buddy Camryn from Dale's house and take the girls and Brady to the museum for a few hours and everyone always had a great time.  I couldn't wait til the weather got nice enough for us to go to the zoo and it FINALLY has!  We've already headed over to the zoo a couple times and the kids love it!
DIVA!  I also have to add that I was proud of myself
 for hauling 2 kids and the diaper bag onto the train by myself
while also managing to find the camera and take a picture!

Checking out the giraffes!

I had no idea that giraffes lay down!  Hmmm,
 you learn something new every day!

I just knew that with all these beautiful flowers and my fancy
camera I would be able to take a wonderful picture of my littles. 
Ummm, yeah...not so much...
So I thought I'd take a picture next time I was there, we went
exactly 6 days later and all the tulips were dead but one. 
SERIOUSLY?!?!  Oh well....
 We had SO much fun in the petting zoo!  Who doesn't like feeding goats???  Kelsey LOVED it...she was giggling so hard that everyone around us was laughing and watching her!  I could've stayed there all day watching my girl feed those crazy goats!

This goat ate probably 95% of our feed...what a hog!!

Look at that piggy goat Mommy!

Back for more!
 Of course we had to do the pony rides too!
We dragged my friend Jenny along with us another day and she was nice enough to ride the carousel with Kelsey.  She informed me after riding that I should be glad I didn't ride with Kelsey...the carousel spun a bit too fast!  Thanks Jenny!!

Hi Mommy!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Shenanigans

Easter weekend was pretty busy for us but it was a lot of fun!  Friday night, being the organized "with it" mother that I am, I realized that we hadn't dyed eggs yet and that night would be the only night we would be able to get them done before Sunday!  Oops!  Of course, since I love to plan ahead and be prepared I also did not have dye or eggs so I had to run to the store around 7 for the supplies.  I hate to add that on my way home I remembered that I didn't buy vinegar...I tried to avoid the busy grocery store and went to Walgreens...of course, no vinegar, so I had to go to the grocery store anyway...oh yeah and did I mention it was pouring rain the entire time?!?!  And, wouldn't you know it, I am such a domestic goddess that I have also never boiled an egg before so we had to google how to do that!  Don't judge me!!  So needless to say...Kelsey didn't get around to dying eggs until close to 10!  I know, I know, my votes for Mother of the Year are piling up!  But, Kelsey didn't mind the late night egg coloring and had a great time!

Ready to color some eggs!  Why are you in
your jammies Kels?  Oh...right...

I didn't even get the good dye kit with stickers
or anything...just one boring crayon! 
The Easter bunny probably wants to fire me!!

One of the eggs broke while coloring, this
was Kelsey's face after she tried it!

All done and ready for the bunny! 
Now get that girl to bed!!!
Saturday was a big birthday bash for my grandpa's 80th birthday...yes we've already celebrated it once, but we tend to go overboard on birthdays in our family, plus he turned 80!!!!  All of my mom's brothers and sisters came in town to celebrate so it was great to see everyone.  The big tragedy of the day was that somehow between the VFW where my grandpa's party was, and my parents' house where the after party was, Kelsey lost her favorite toys!  She had a cute little dog purse that she named Walker and slept with every night and some smaller dogs that she played with ALL THE TIME (I believe there were 5 of them and they even had beds on her nightstand where they slept every night).  We searched everywhere at my parents' house and on Monday I called the dogs.  So hopefully they turn up, but it's not looking good.

Sunday morning Kelsey was up bright and early, ready to check out what the Easter Bunny left for her.  She approved!

Easter Bunny loot!

Checking out the goods!

Looking for eggs

Brady was supervising with Daddy
Then it was off to Aunt Connie's for Easter dinner and hunting for more eggs!  It was so funny...while looking for eggs, my grandma and Brian kept sneaking eggs out of Kelsey's basket and re-hiding them.  We were joking that there were 10 eggs and Kelsey found 30...but she didn't know any better and had a great time!

FINALLY got a good picture of them together!

And then, this happened!! 
But luckily, for whatever reason, Kelsey
thinks its hilarious when he pulls her hair!


Kelsey and her cousins

Brady and his cousin Kaitlyn...we
wish Kaitlyn and Bailey lived closer! 
They make amazing babysitters!